
Kids Parties Adelaide is designed to be a valuable resource of articles, tips and business listings related to the subject of kids parties in Adelaide, South Australia. There are three ways you can contribute to this resource:
List your Business

If you have a business related to kids parties, located in or around Adelaide then we want you! Your listing will include:
  • Description of your business
  • Contact details for your business
  • 3-5 useful tips related to your area of expertise and the subject of 'kids parties' in Adelaide.
If you would like a listing for your business to be included on our blog, send us an email with the details above to: nick (at), and we will get back to you.

Write an Article

We are looking for original articles, of 300- 600 words, related to the subject of 'kids parties' in Adelaide. You don't need to be a professional writer, you only need to have some expertise in the subject. There is no limit to the number of articles you can submit. To be accepted, your article needs to contain useful information and be entirely original. Articles that read like an advertisement will not be accepted. You may place up to two links to your website within the article as well as an attribution link at the end.

Please send an email to: nick (at), to ask any questions or submit an article and we will get back to you with more details.

Link to Us

In order for your business listing or article to be published on our blog, we require a return link from somewhere on your website, pointing to ours.

Simply choose one of the options below and copy the corresponding link code and past it into your website's HTML where you want the link to appear.

Simple Link:

Kids Parties Adelaide

Link and description:

Visit Kids Parties Adelaide for articles, tips and business listings to help you organise a childrens birthday party in Adelaide.